Avin Vadas

Creative & Art direction, Gaphic Design

HCL AppScan product logos

Logos and app icons design for the main offering products

HCL AppScan is a leading platform for applications security testing. Their products and services help large scale organisations to test their code for vulnerabilities and manage their risks.

Project overview

Role: Contract Art Director and UI Designer
Time: 2022
The need for products repositioning within the AppScan brand emerged during an extensive UI work on AppScan's products line.


  • Distinct each tool from its complementary siblings within the AppScan offering, as well as from external competition.
  • In return, strengthening AppScan as the over-arching brand, carrying value bigger than the sum of it's parts.

Point of Departure: AppScan logo icon

The familiar AppScan logo, used as base.

Core principles:


Each tool is powered and supported by the trusted AppScan technology.


Each tool is AppScan's way to perform a certain job.

a Wider AppSec vision and philosophy:

AppScan offering brings an overall AppSec vision, and each tool is developed in its light.

Solution: AppScan distinct product logos

App icons based on single negative space form and grid system.

Products app icons:

The first phase included 5 icons, for the major products:

AppScan product logos

AppScan product logos as icons implementation

"Avin developed our product design system, which help us to revamp our products and have a better alignment across the offering... We have great synergy with Avin, we enjoyed his knowledge of design and he was a part of the team's maturity. His availability to the team was outstanding even when we were in different time zones. He always does things professionally, creatively and with enthusiasm."

Itay Levin, Design lead at HCL AppScan

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